America, Meet Mark 6 - The New Generation of Mana

America, Meet Mark 6 - The New Generation of Mana

First available in Europe and now on sale in the US, our Mark 6 recipe is the greatest nutritional advance in the history of Mana. Our previous recipe, Mark 5, was great, but by all measures, Mark 6 is even better. Each portion still delivers 400 kcal, and is prepared in the exact same way - by mixing 86 g/3 oz of powder with 300 ml/10 fl oz of water. And our Origin flavor still has the same creamy, neutral oat taste. But the nutritional content of Mark 6 is on a whole new level.

In a nutshell, it’s more nutritious than any food we’ve done before. It's got 8 new ingredients for a total of 42, 6 types of protein, 6 types of fat, 8 types of fiber, 9 essential amino acids, 14 essential vitamins, 17 essential minerals, and 2 essential fatty acids. Altogether, it delivers 42 essential nutrients that your body cannot create on its own and which are vital for proper bodily function and metabolism.

6 types of protein

One portion of ManaPowder, Mark 6 recipe, contains 21 g of high-quality plant protein from 6 different sources, as opposed to the 2 in Mark 5. They are: isolated soy protein, isolated pea protein, oat protein, hemp protein, rice protein, and algae protein.

When it comes to protein, it’s not just the amount that counts. Also very important is the spectrum of amino acids that a given food delivers, i.e. whether it has all individual amino acids in the proper amounts. Mana does. Based on chemical analyses and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the amino acid spectrum in our Mark 6 recipe is excellent. Altogether, it contains 9 essential amino acids.

8 types of fibre & 6 types of fat

Mark 6 contains 8 different types of fibre, as well as a rich blend of 6 plant fats that include EPA & DHA omega-3s. Mark 5, the previous version of Mana, contains 3 types of fibre and 5 plant fats. 

One portion of Mark 6 delivers 7 g of fibre, which supports the growth and function of friendly intestinal bacteria. This is a mixture of oat fibre with beta-glucans, soluble chicory fibre (also known as inulin), carrot fibre, hemp fibre, pea fibre, algae fibre, arabic gum, and soy fiber.

Mark 6 also contains a nutritious, 19-g mixture of fats from canola oil, algae oil (rich in essential DHA and EPA omega-3s), coconut oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil, and oat oil, as well as phospholipids from soy lecithin. This provides important fat-soluble vitamins and valuable phytonutrients such as vitamin E, phytosterols, and lutein.

A multivitamin in unconventional form

Just like Mark 5, Mark 6 contains a total of 14 essential vitamins, and 17 essential minerals, and 7 trace minerals. But what’s different about Mark 6 is that it has new chelated forms of magnesium, potassium, and zinc, which are even more soluble, and thus more bioavailable. We also increased the amount of potassium from 400 mg to 700 mg per serving.

Flavour and consistency

Our Origin flavor is mild with a hint of vanilla. Some people compare it to lightly sweetened cake batter; others compare it to oatmeal. Though individual associations differ, there’s one thing we hear consistently: the taste gets better and better over time.

When mixed with water, the consistency of ManaPowder Origin is rich - like that of a milkshake, just without the milk. Our standard serving is 86 g/3 oz of powder with 300 ml/10 fl oz of water, but feel free to add more or less liquid according to taste.

Though ManaPowder Origin tastes perfectly delicious by itself, it also makes a great base for smoothies and cakes. Try it with fruit, vegetables, spices, or nut butters. For inspiration, head over to our recipe page.

Mark 6 drink and other powder flavours

We are currently working on a new flavor of powder that we plan on bringing to the US. We also already sell ready-made drinks in the EU, but the legal requirements for getting these to the US are different than for powders, so we are doing what we can to get clearance. We’ll keep you posted!

ManaPowder™ | Origin | Mark 6

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