Introducing The World's 1st Nutritionally Complete Plant-Based Burger: The ManaBurger

Introducing The World's 1st Nutritionally Complete Plant-Based Burger: The ManaBurger

We’ve been keeping a big secret for the last 3 years. But now it’s time to let the cat out of the bag. Introducing the world’s first nutritionally complete plant burger: the ManaBurger™.

A complete alternative to meat, the Mana Burger (130 g) provides 20 g of high-quality protein from peas, rice, hemp, mung beans, and algae. It is also high in fiber (4.2 g), rich in omega-3 DHA and EPA fatty acids, and delivers a primarily unsaturated, 22-g mix of 5 different oils: algae oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, and canola oil. Sugar content is very low. One burger with no bun contains only 4 g of complex carbs.

Our food scientists have packed 14 vitamins and 24 minerals into the burger, making it a perfectly balanced multivitamin in unconventional form. One portion gives your body and brain 159 health benefits according to the scientific evaluations of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). The ManaBurger™ also has low sodium content, unlike many other plant-based burgers. It contains natural dyes from beetroot, red pepper, and apple extract. The burger has no added glutamate, no animal products, no gluten, and no GMOs.

Iconic foods (like burgers) are often meat-based, and can therefore take a toll on the environment due to the excessive energy that goes into meat production. However, we understand that not everyone wants to give up their meat-based favorites for rice, beans, and veggies. That’s why the ManaBurger™ looks and tastes like beef.

As our CEO and founder Jakub says, “This is not a food intended for vegans only. On the contrary. It is an alternative for lovers of meat and beef burgers who want to eat healthy food that's nutritionally complete and environmentally friendly. We are convinced that this is the healthiest plant burger in the world."

Many scientific studies have confirmed that meat consumption in our society is excessive and non-sustainable in the long term. For example, a recent UN report ( that agriculture, in its current form, may by 2050 cease to feed the forecasted global population of 10 million. The solution, it says, is plant-based agriculture.

Jakub continues, "When American universities compared the impact of production processes for beef and plant-based burgers, they found that production of the plant-based burgers used 99% less water, 93% less land, generated 90% less emissions, and consumed 46% less energy."

Though the burger is expected to go on sale in the U.S. in the second half of 2020, we are already taking pre-orders. For independent taste reviews, see the following:

For a nutritional review, go here:

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